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Stage Hams

Pig Athletes

Nellie: World's Smartest Pig

This section is about our pigs but if you want to know about where they live go here.



Nellie, World's Smartest Pig was both a stage ham and an athlete (which is saying something for a pig)! She was joined by Snort, the Duchess of Pork, and a few adorable rising star piglets.

Each porker had a separate personality, and the audiences identify with each precocious swiner. They'd REALLY get into the pig's personality!

There will never be another Nellie, but each co-star ham had a talent of its own! And you can be sure the audiences would demand to pet each oinker after the show, and perhaps have their picture taken with the greatest of them all, Nellie!

More about the performers:
Stage Hams
Pig Athletes
Nellie, the World's Smartest Pig
Where the pigs live


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